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7 Ways to Make Your Property Stand Out

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Many little things add up to create the successful sale or rental of a residential property . We have lusted 7 ways you can make your property stand out and prepare your property for prospective buyers or  renters.

1. First impressions count, inside and out

Set a high standard for cleanliness. While you want your property to look good from the outside, the inside matters even more! Consider having carpets professionally steam cleaned and wash any dirt or marks off of walls and cabinetry. Quality tenants are attracted to rental properties that are clean, safe and clearly well cared-for.

2. Post professional pictures

Most prospective buyers and tenants will do their initial research online before visiting the property in person. Showcasing your property in the best light possible with professional pictures goes a long way to attracting interested prospects. Take great photos or every room from multiple angles to make sure the potential buyers or tenants see precisely what the property is like.

3. Have a detailed listing

When listing your property whether online or in printed publications, make the listing as detailed and as appealing as possible. Clearly state any essential features that make the property unique and special.

4. Hire a property manager

Getting your property on the market to sell or rent is not easy. Where budget allows, hire a reputable professional to help you. property managers and real estate agents are tasked with listing and manage your property on your behalf. Find a reputable agent who is certified trustworthy to help you find the right buyers or tenants. The right property manager will help you screen potential buyers or tenants, look after the day-to-day management for your property, advice on the latest regulations, and help you find ways to increase your property’s value. If looking to hire a reputable property manager or real-estate agent, see out list of 10 reputable real estate agents in Kenya

5. Renovate and upgrade if needed.

In a steep and competitive market, sprucing up your property can greatly increase your property’s value while opening it up to more potential buyers or tenants. Where budget allows, consider upgrading outdated appliances and fittings and modernising the overall look of your property.

Even minor updates can have a significant impact such as replacing outlet covers, faucets, sink hardware or out-of-style ceiling fans with more modern options. Small touches and updated will enhance and modernize the property without breaking the bank. For major upgrades, consider hiring an Interior Designer to help.

6. Be Open and Flexible to negotiation 

Stay flexible and open when securing a prospective buyer or renter. While you may want a fair price for your property, expect your prospects to know the current market conditions, so don’t price your self out of the market.  During negotiations, try and be reasonable and always act in good faith. This ensures a win-win situation for both you and your prospect while gaining their trust and respect.

7. Ensure that all safety requirements & regulations are met.

As a property owner its your responsibility to ensure that your property safety guidelines and regulations are in order. Systems such as plumbing and electrical installations should be maintained and rigorously inspected before putting the property on the market. All maintenance work and repairs should be completed to prevent them from becoming costly problems down the line.

8. Identify your target market

When listing your property, have a keen sense of who your ideal buyer or renter is and match your property to this demographic. Conduct your own research on similar properties in the market to get a sense of what your prospective buyer or renter is looking for. Know what’s important to your prospects such as large play areas for children if targeting families or couples.




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